
Regularity become law as the orgy molds the sweated bodies*.
Scientific and artistic thinking grow in the same environment, concentrated with the questions that modernity ask it self.
They share the same curiosity, some times with different views, about “life”.
Thinking is pornographic, science and art, in a way, are sexually committed to the development of the human behavior and the world in witch he performs. This relation, based on conceptual reproduction and sexual pleasure, makes the world what it is, makes us all what we are, makes the differences come together and far apart at the same time, questions future, present and past and contradict it self always to look for the same questions all over again.
Paradigms are short versions of reality. Styles, forms and investigations, are fast truth that disappear quickly, like life it self.
We are the new species that morph it self with is one instruments.
*A visual intervention on scientific and artistic thinking.